Monday 25 April 2011

18 weeks...

Sooo...about 22 weeks to go! Not that I'm counting down. While I'm loving baking our little treasure, this has been a tough pregnancy - physically - I have to admit.

Eighteen weeks in, now in our fifth month or down 126 days, our baby is between 11cm - 13cm long. Her legs are longer than her arms and she can wriggle and stretch! Today, we were called into see a doctor (long story; I've had a water infection which I apparently had for a week previously - that's how much I pay attention - and they thought it had spread to the kidneys. Blood, gunk and all that. Not pretty. I shant go into it. Actually convinced I was in labour - excruciating pain last night so I rang the midwife who told me to scoot into the gynae ward but we left it 'til this afternoon.) and we saw our little fish again! As the doctor was showing Daddy, the baby jumped very hard which looked big and dramatic on the screen but I just felt a tiny tap. Precious it was. No photos from this one though, it was just to check the heartbeat and that the baby was ok! Which they very much are, thank the Lord. In BabyLand, her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing. Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin, and her ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit, I imagine a little Shrek like.

Josiah is starting to notice my tummy now and has started playing Peek-a-Boo with it (it's very hysterical!) and giving little kisses. Beautiful, love it. We now have Baby which was an Easter gift from Granny C & Granddad along with a super buggy. This is to get Josiah used to little ones and he's been so good and gentle so far. With the occasional sticking of thumbs in the eyes etc. But many kisses, cuddles and strokes down the line, he is actually the cutest 15 month old in the history of the world, especially when you see him with babies, real or plastic.

I can't wait for three to become four!!

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