Sunday 27 February 2011


I've been told I have to have a glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks. I'm not sure why I didn't have one last time as the factors for possible gestational diabetes were still there!
This is the plan: I will be asked to eat normally in the three days leading up to the test. The evening before the test I have to stop eating before 10 pm and not have anything to eat or drink, apart from water, until the test the next day.

Friday 25 February 2011

Booking Appointment...

Today, Auntie Elle & Josiah accompanied me to my booking appointment. It was lovely! I bought Elle along incase Jo got a bit cranky (which he did towards the very end - it was a two hour appointment to be fair) so they skiddadled while I got my bloods done. They were very well done I have to say, and told the nurse so.
I don't remember it taking as long last time but still, it was a lovely feeling being back there. I've been assigned one midwife who will see me through the whole 4o weeks, which I didn't have last time and because I'm classed as low risk, I'll be starting my labour in The Oasis (a new department in the maternity unit which opened last year). It has three birthing pools, entinox and pethadine facilities and apparently is a home away from home. If I decide I want an epidural, which is pretty much a massive given, I'll just be whisked next door and hooked up.
Almost looking forward to labour now!
I got weighed which wasn't as bad as expected. This pre-pregnancy weigh-in said I'm only half a stone heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight with Josiah. I thought I'd put on about two stone since having him but apparently not. The midwife said that with pregnancy number two, you put less weight on. It's helped that I have very specific tastes right now. I can't bear the thought of heavy foods like lasange or beef casserole. I can do salmon, chicken, salads and such like. I can't do tea, coffee, hot chocolate or squash. I can do water or milkshake. Or Lilt. With Josiah, I only went off a few things but it's taken me days, quite literally, to work out what I want to eat or drink!!
Grrr...very frustrating. Interesting though.

Dating Scan #2...

We had our second dating scan last week.
I was a little nervous incase they still couldn't see anything but I didn't need to be. We saw our precious little dumpling very clearly, with arms and legs and it's teeny tiny heartbeat! I never saw Jo's heartbeat as I didn't know what I was looking for but this one was so clear, it was incredible. I hadn't been feeling pregnant at all (aside from the grim nausea and sickness) probably because I've been distracted with Josiah but as soon as we saw our little one's heart beating ninety to the dozen, I felt immense love!! The picture isn't as clear as the scan was but we'll get a photo up shortly. It looks like a kidney bean with legs!!
Due date is 26th September, there's only one tiny Stevens inside and I'm now (very, very nearly - tomorrow in fact) ten weeks. Three weeks to go til the second trimester - apparently thirteen weeks not twelve weeks.
Who knew!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Caesar Salad...

A first craving has appeared!

I didn't really have cravings as such in my last pregnancy, it was more things that I went off. So the first craving of this pregnancy is a caesar salad with ham and sliced boiled egg. John is repulsed everytime I crave this as he hates boiled egg with a passion. I haven't had one since I was in the brethren so it's quite weird that I've suddenly craved it after years of not having one!

John was co-cheffing at the Curry Club again last night so I had a lovely salad for lunch and dinner!

It was delightful.

That'll learn me...

I went to Morrisons today about 4pm. Without having any lunch...
I ended up passing out in the cereal aisle! I felt a bit light-headed on the way there but on my way round I felt everything closing in and everything sounded like I was underwater. It was quite scary actually. So I grabbed a packet of biscuits and ate four very quickly (I later paid for them of course) and some very kind lady made sure I was with it before I hastily pushed Jo away! Felt shattered afterwards though went on a massive sugar spending spree so now our cupboards are stocked with cereals like Golden Nuggets and Crunchy Nut Clusters. What larks!
Note to self: eat regularly to avoid very low blood sugar, especially when you have a child to care for!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Dating Scan #1...

We had a dating scan today purely because my GP seemed a little suprised at the size of my tummy currently. As there is a three week window for the nuchal scan between 10-13 weeks, he wanted to be sure my dates were correct incase we missed it. Apparently they are fine! In fact, so much so we have to go back on the 16th February for another scan as they could only measure the gestational sac and not our baby. Not that I'm complaining as we may actually get to see our little cherub next time (albeit an extremely tiny cherub). So today we didn't see our number 2 but we did get to see their house!!
And no, there aren't two in there. Yet...the sonographer did mention that because it's still early, if there are two sacs, they clump together as one until the babies are more developed. Much to John's delight. But no twins. No twins.
It would be pretty awesome though!!