Monday 7 March 2011

Praise the Lord...!

On Thursday after work, I started to bleed a little. On Friday, I started cramping, which ended up lasting for three days, and bled some more. So, on Saturday morning we saw the doctor who sent a fax across to EPDU (Early Pregnancy Diagnostics Unit) so I could get a scan today to see what was going on. It was stressful enough knowing we wouldn't know a thing until today at the earliest but then last night, I had cramps and lost a fair bit of blood which was actually really frightening so I was convinced of the worst, as you would be. I would have lost the plot if it wasn't for John who stayed very calm and collected. So we prayed and went to sleep, remembering who was in control.
This morning, Josiah & I went to the EPDU and waited...and waited. About 2 hours in total. He did very well, walking around all the chairs shouting 'all gone! all gone!'. He kept me calm! We were finally seen by a very nice lady who lives down our road. Not at all odd. I couldn't look at the screen at all because I was so nervous but turned immediately when she said hello to our baby and confirmed that they were, in fact, absolutely fine and dandy. Relief isn't the word!! Obviously there were tears. Our little one was quite literally bouncing off the walls of my uterus, and even did a back flip, almost as if they were reassuring me that they were ok. It was incredible and we are immensely grateful to God for protecting our baby and keeping us sane over the last few days.
No explanation for the bleeding but I've been advised to 'take it easy' for a few days. Ok then!